Pastor’s Message: July 23, 2023

Dear Parish Family,

This weekend we hear three more parables.

We hear of God’s abounding kindness and never-ending patience that none of us deserves but which we receive anyway.

God has creating us and gave us a free will. God hopes in us and believes that the fruit we can bear is worth all that can go wrong.

This is where God’s mercy comes in. God knows our hearts. God knows why we do what we do, and God is still prepared to offer us the utmost generosity in judgment. God is full of mercy, kindness and forgiveness. He sees us as human beings not fully good or fully evil.

We are the ones who accept His love and try our best to be faithful to Him. We all will coexist until the final judgment, as the weeds among the wheat.

We need to cultivate an attitude of trust and patience in God’s work, knowing that even the smallest efforts can yield remarkable results. Through our words, and actions, we can spread the “yeast” of love, hope, and faith to others.

Peace be with you!

God Bless,
Fr. Cyrus


Pastor’s Message: July 16, 2023

Dear Parish Family,

In the Gospel this weekend, we hear of a sower sowing seeds. The seed is the message God. Jesus is telling us of the Kingdom of Heaven. God is generous. He extended his Word (seeds) to all people. Some will reject it; he gives it to them anyway in hopes they will prepare their heart and experience the life he came to give them.

The different kinds of soils refer to the different types of people who hear the word of God. This parable teaches us of the importance to be prepared to receive the word and to be fruitful to the Lord.

We must nurture our relationship with God (the good soil), or we won’t grow into the faithful Christians He calls us to be. Where do the words of Christ fall in our lives? Is what we do help us to prepare our hearts to be rich and a nurturing soil for God’s gift of his word?

Peace be with you!

God Bless,

Fr. Cyrus

Fr. Cyrus

Pastor’s Message: July 9, 2023

Dear Parish Family,

in the Gospel this weekend, Jesus invites us: “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest” (Mt 11:28). Jesus reminds us that when we trust him, things will be easier. It’s when we try to go it alone that we struggle. All we need to do is call on Jesus. He promises to teach us and give us rest.

It means joining our human hearts with his in pulling together. Shouldering his yoke is allowing him to enter our everyday lives, rather than going it alone. The yoke of Christ is a bond of love, which joins us to him, and to our loving Father in heaven. “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me.” Today we pray that we will allow ourselves to be yoked to Jesus and ask God to use us to make known his kingdom to others. May we always remember to place God first in our lives.

I hope you all are enjoying the warm days of July. As we take advantage of our vacation days to spend time with our loved ones and to rest from the everyday demands and routines of work, let us not neglect to also “rest in the Lord” on the day in which we commemorate his love for us in the Sunday Eucharist

The website has a listing of Mass schedules in parishes throughout the country.

Peace be with you!
God Bless,
Fr. Cyrus

Pastor’s Message: July 2, 2023

Dear Parish Family,

In the Gospel this weekend Jesus encourage us to make our relationship with God first in all we do.

Jesus explains the difficulties of discipleship, and reveals that those who welcome the disciples have also welcomed him.

We are also told of the importance of hospitality in the Christian life. To welcome another in Jesus’ name is to extend hospitality to Jesus himself. We have many opportunities in our daily life to reach out to others, to be a welcoming presence and a sign of God’s love, to be pro-active in kindness towards one another and to those whose paths we cross.

St. Francis de sales recognized this and made this one of his basic teachings. “Important tasks lie seldom in our path; but all day long there are little things we can do well, if we do them with all our love.”

Jesus assures His disciples that even the smallest acts of kindness and service done in His name will not go unnoticed by God, promising a reward and recognition in the kingdom of heaven.


This Tuesday is the Fourth of July, Independence Day.  Let us pray in thanksgiving for our freedoms, in solidarity with those who fight for justice, and for conversion of the oppressors.

I wish everyone a wonderful and safe 4th of July,

Peace be with you!
God Bless,
Fr. Cyrus

Pastor’s Message: June 25, 2023

Dear Parish Family,

“Do not let others intimidate you.”

In today’s Gospel Jesus tells the apostles to keep their focus on God. Those who can harm the body do not have ultimate power; God does.

The apostles will face persecution and suffering, but Jesus reassures them that God knows and cares about what happens to his children.  If God takes care of the little sparrow, he will take care of us who are created in his image and likeness.

So do not be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. May God, who cares for the smallest sparrow, help us to become confident of his faithful care for us too.

We are also challenged to stand up for the Gospel values in our everyday lives knowing that God is always there with us.

Peace be with you!
God Bless,
Fr. Cyrus