Pastor’s Message: July 9, 2023

Dear Parish Family,

in the Gospel this weekend, Jesus invites us: “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest” (Mt 11:28). Jesus reminds us that when we trust him, things will be easier. It’s when we try to go it alone that we struggle. All we need to do is call on Jesus. He promises to teach us and give us rest.

It means joining our human hearts with his in pulling together. Shouldering his yoke is allowing him to enter our everyday lives, rather than going it alone. The yoke of Christ is a bond of love, which joins us to him, and to our loving Father in heaven. “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me.” Today we pray that we will allow ourselves to be yoked to Jesus and ask God to use us to make known his kingdom to others. May we always remember to place God first in our lives.

I hope you all are enjoying the warm days of July. As we take advantage of our vacation days to spend time with our loved ones and to rest from the everyday demands and routines of work, let us not neglect to also “rest in the Lord” on the day in which we commemorate his love for us in the Sunday Eucharist

The website has a listing of Mass schedules in parishes throughout the country.

Peace be with you!
God Bless,
Fr. Cyrus