Pastor’s Message: July 16, 2023

Dear Parish Family,

In the Gospel this weekend, we hear of a sower sowing seeds. The seed is the message God. Jesus is telling us of the Kingdom of Heaven. God is generous. He extended his Word (seeds) to all people. Some will reject it; he gives it to them anyway in hopes they will prepare their heart and experience the life he came to give them.

The different kinds of soils refer to the different types of people who hear the word of God. This parable teaches us of the importance to be prepared to receive the word and to be fruitful to the Lord.

We must nurture our relationship with God (the good soil), or we won’t grow into the faithful Christians He calls us to be. Where do the words of Christ fall in our lives? Is what we do help us to prepare our hearts to be rich and a nurturing soil for God’s gift of his word?

Peace be with you!

God Bless,

Fr. Cyrus

Fr. Cyrus