Pastor’s Message: August 27, 2023

“Today, we hear Jesus’s question directed to each one of us: “And you, who do you say I am?”. To each one of us. And every one of us must give not a theoretical answer, but one that involves faith, that is, life, because faith is life! “For me you are …” and then to confess Jesus. An answer that demands that we too, like the first disciples, inwardly listen to the voice of the Father and its consonance with what the Church, gathered around Peter, continues to proclaim. It is a matter of understanding who Christ is for us: if He is the center of our life, if He is the goal of our commitment in the Church, our commitment in society. Who is Jesus Christ for me? Who is Jesus Christ for you, for you, for you …? An answer that we should give every day.

But beware: it is indispensable and praiseworthy that the pastoral care of our communities be open to many forms of poverty and crises, which are everywhere. Charity is always the high road of the journey of faith, of the perfection of faith. But it is necessary that works of solidarity, the works of charity that we carry out, not divert us from contact with the Lord Jesus. Christian charity is not simple philanthropy but, on the one hand, it is looking at others through the eyes of Jesus Himself and, on the other hand, seeing Jesus in the face of the poor. This is the true path of Christian charity, with Jesus at the center, always. May Mary Most Holy, blessed because she believed, be our guide and model on the path of faith in Christ, and make us aware that trust in Him gives full meaning to our charity and to all our existence”. Taken from Pope Francis’ reflection on the Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time year A

If Jesus were to ask you – who do you say that I am – what would your answer be?

Peace be with you!
God Bless,
Fr. Cyrus

Pastor’s Message: August 20, 2023

Dear Parish Family,

The Gospel this weekend reminds us of the need to include all and to break down barriers so our communities become more welcoming to those who may feel excluded.

Jesus’s mission extends beyond Israel, embracing all people who believe in Him He wanted to teach the disciples an important lesson. Jesus taught them that true purity comes from the heart, not from external rituals.

The example of the Canaanite woman helps the disciples understand when Jesus praises her great faith, showing them that God looks beyond religious laws, and customs to value what comes from the heart. We should not feel discouraged and defeated, nor ever give up praying to Jesus. For if we put all our trust and truly put our faith in Him, He will always respond to us.

Peace be with you!

God Bless,

Fr. Cyrus

Pastor’s Message: August 13, 2023

Dear Parish Family,

In this week’s gospel Jesus invites all of us to step out in faith and trust. Like the disciples we are invited to take a look at our own faith journey. Jesus reminds us to take courage, trust in Him, and step out in faith.

Even when our faith is weak, we can reach out to Him, knowing that He is always ready to save us.

By recognizing Jesus as the Son of God, we can find strength, knowing that He walks with us through the storms of life, guiding us safely to the Him.

Peace be with you!
God Bless,
Fr. Cyrus

Pastor’s Message: August 6, 2023

Dear Parish Family,

This weekend in the Gospel of Matthew we hear about the Transfiguration. Jesus began to explain to the disciples that He needed to go to Jerusalem, where He would suffer and die, and then raised on the third day.

Jesus was preparing the disciples for what was going to happen in their lives also, even though they were not able to fully grasp it. The Transfiguration of Jesus gives his disciples a glimpse of his glory.

“Christ’s Transfiguration aims at strengthening the apostles’ faith in anticipation of his Passion: the ascent onto the ‘high mountain’ prepares for the ascent to Calvary.” (CCC 568)  Jesus is constantly preparing us for what is in the days before us. It is also directed to us to increase our faith, hope and love for Him and to empower us in times of hardships and doubt.

We need to listen to Jesus and interpret our world through His teachings. How we understand ourselves, each other, the kingdom of God, and our mission in the world needs to come from paying close attention to Jesus.

“This is my Son, my Chosen; listen to him!”

Peace be with you!
God Bless,
Fr. Cyrus

Pastor’s Message: July 30, 2023

Dear Parish Family,

The Gospel this weekend talks about treasures and those who would sell everything to obtain them.

The reign of God is a treasure of immeasurable value. Nothing can compare to it on earth. Possessing that treasure demands from us a total commitment if we are to preserve it. We must develop a willingness to give up everything for the Kingdom.

Through the Gospel, we come to know and understand the real meaning of life, the will of God for us each day, and the most important things we must do to secure our eternal salvation.

The kingdom of heaven is so valuable that people who know its value will make great efforts and give everything they have to get it. We must seek the Kingdom of God as the most valuable of all treasures.

But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33

Peace be with you!
God Bless,
Fr. Cyrus