Pastor’s Message: April 28, 2024

Dear Parish Family,

Alleluia, Happy Easte!

In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus compares himself to a vine and his followers to the branches on that vine. Branches get their nourishment from the vine. We the branches never want to be separated from the vine that is Jesus Christ. Christ has promised to remain beside us during life if only we stay close to him. Without him, nothing can be achieved.

As Christians, it’s crucial to stay connected to Jesus. In the same way a tree depends on its branches for nourishment and growth, we depend on Jesus for our spiritual growth and to bear fruit. When we become disconnected from Him, we begin to wither away gradually. Therefore, let us remain steadfast in our faith and keep our connection with Jesus strong, so that we may continue to grow and bear the fruits of the Spirit.

We are called to bear fruit as evidence of our discipleship and our connection to Jesus. The ultimate purpose of believers’ fruitfulness is to bring glory to God. Our lives, when lived in connection with Christ, reflect God’s great love.

To “bear fruit” means that we reflect our connection to Jesus, by acts of love, kindness, patience, faithfulness and prayer, reading God’s Word, and obedience to His teachings. We are to live in such a way as to bring glory to God and positively impact those around us.

God Bless,
Fr. Cyrus