Pastor’s Message: April 7, 2024

Dear Parish Family,

The Easter season will continue for the next 50 days. This extended celebration allows us to reflect on the significance of Easter and its message of hope and renewal. Let us continue to embrace the spirit of Easter as we journey through the next 50 days, spreading joy and positivity to those around us.

It was a wonderful seeing so many of our parishioners as we celebrated The Triduum, and all the Easter Sunday Masses.

In the gospel this weekend we see the disciples gathered together in a room, afraid and unsure of what to do next. When Jesus appears to them, he offers them peace and reassurance, showing them his wounds and forgiving them for abandoning him. Jesus shows mercy to Thomas, even in his doubts.

After the Resurrection, Our Lord spent forty days on earth, consoling His disciples, clarifying His teaching, and preparing them to receive the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

Through his death and resurrection, Jesus offers us the gift of new life and the hope of eternal salvation. Like Thomas, we may struggle with doubt and uncertainty, but through faith and trust in Jesus, we can experience the peace and joy that comes from knowing the risen Christ

This reminds us that we are not meant to live out our faith alone, but rather in community with other believers. We are called to be there for each other in times of doubt and fear, to offer support and encouragement, and to share in the joys and struggles of life together. Through our relationships with one another, we can bear witness to the love of Christ and grow in our own faith.

Thank you to all who helped make our celebrations holy, joyful and beautiful. Your service to our parish is greatly appreciated.

May the grace of the Risen Christ be with you and your loved ones this throughout the Easter Season.

God Bless
Fr. Cyrus