Pastor’s Message: January 28, 2024

Dear Parishioners,

In the Gospel this weekend we are reminded of the power and authority of Jesus. He has the ability to heal and to cast out evil spirits. It also highlights the importance of recognizing Jesus as the Son of God. The unclean spirit knew who Jesus was, but the people in the synagogue were amazed at Jesus’ teaching and authority.

As we reflect on this Gospel passage, we are called to deepen our relationship with Jesus and to recognize him as the Holy One of God. We are also called to seek his divine healing and protection in times of distress and overcome any challenge that comes our way.

May we be open to the power and authority of Jesus and may we always turn to him in our times of need. Remember we are not alone in our struggles and that the power of prayer can bring about incredible transformation and healing.

God Bless,
Pray for Peace,
Fr. Cyrus