Parish Guidelines for Phase 2 for Mass Indoors

Parish Guidelines

(based on the Diocesan set guidelines)

  1. A maximum of 95 people (45 upstairs and 50 downstairs in the McGrath Hall).  Please wear your facemask. If you forget or do not have a mask, we will provide a disposal facemask in a Ziplock bag together with gloves and hand sanitizing pads for your safety and the safety of others.
  2. Hand sanitizers will be available in all of the entrances of the church. We ask you to please sanitize your hands when you enter and exit the church.  A separate hand sanitizer will be next to the priest and deacon for them to use during communion.  There will be a hand sanitizer placed in the middle of the isle in the church for people to sanitize their hands before receiving communion.
  3. We ask everyone to please observe the seating arrangement in the church. Please sit in the pews indicated by the green tape with social distancing.  Families of 7 have the last pew reserved for them.
  4. Temperature will be taken of all the people who will be coming into the church.
  5. Reservation via Signup Genius.  Please visit our parish website (45 people maximum per mass).
  6. There will be a designated 1 entrance and 1 exit in the church and McGrath Hall. We kindly ask you to observe them for your safety.

Church Entrance:  Use the doors from parking lot.

Church Exit:  Use the side left exit door going to Burr Street.

McGrath Hall Entrance:  Use the doors from parking lot.  Go down the stairs to the hall.

McGrath Hall Exit:  Exit on the side doors near the kitchen towards outside to Riverside Avenue.

Note:  All entrances and exits doors will be properly marked.

  1. There will be Holy Eucharist distribution with a plexiglass window that will be placed between the communicant and the priest or deacon.  Please observe social distancing and form 1 line. If you choose not to receive communion, we will pray the Spiritual Communion Prayer after the priest receive the Precious Blood.

Celebration of Mass

  1. Priest and deacon will vest in the sacristy. Before both puts on the vestment, hand washing will be observed.
  2. Priest and/or deacon will read the proper readings and proclaim the Gospel. Proper distance between the priest and deacon will be observe.

Donations/Collection baskets

  1. Collection baskets will be place in all the entrance and exits of the church. Secure bags will be available to secure the collections by an usher and put it in the safe in the sacristy.

We thank you for your continuous generosity to our parish!

Reception of Holy Communion

Church of the Assumption follows the guidelines set forth by Bishop Caggiano. The guideline is designed to allow for the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass in a safe manner for both ministers and communicants (Please visit the diocesan website or ctrl and click here: ).

  1. Communions will be given only by the priest and/or deacon.
  2. The priest and deacon will use hand sanitizer before and after Mass, as well as before and after the distribution of the Eucharist.
  3. There will be 1 communion line in the main church and also for McGrath Hall with proper floor markings for distances.
  4. Before communion, the priest will use hand sanitizer before he goes down to distribute communion. The Plexiglas platform will be placed between the priest/deacon and the people for communion.
  5. People in the McGrath Hall will be using the existing TV that will simulcast the Mass. Chairs will be set with proper 6 to 8 feet distancing.  Communion will be given by the deacon and a plexiglass platform will be placed in between.
  6. Priest and deacon will be wearing face mask during the distribution of communion.

 Clergy, Staff and Volunteers Preparation

  1. There will be NO Altar Servers, Readers and Extraordinary Ministers of Communion at this time. The readings and the distribution of communion will be done by the deacon and the priest only.
  2. Music will be kept to a minimum (Entrance, Communion, Recessional) and only the cantor will sing, and the organist will play in the choir loft with proper social distancing.
  3. Masks, Gloves, Hand Sanitizers, Face Shields, and Gowns (if needed) are available for the volunteers and staff. Supplies will be given in advance.
  4. Members of the Knights of Columbus will serve as ushers. 1 Knight will be responsible making sure that the guidelines are properly followed.

 Funeral Mass

Funeral Mass will follow the guidelines above.

  1. There will be a limitation of 50 people inside the church following the social distancing. Face covering or Mask are required and will be asked to sanitize their hands (before they enter and exit the church). There will be 1 entrance and 1 exit doors.  Please look for the signs.
  1. Family members and guests will be asked to be seated.
  1. Before Mass begins, the casket or Urn will be place in front of the altar. There will be NO opening rite or procession.  After the final commendation, the pallbearers with the funeral director will escort the casket towards the front of the church (Please follow the Funeral Director’s instructions).  We ask that they wear mask and gloves for their own protection.
  1. Music will be limited to Opening, Communion hymn and Meditation and Recessional hymns only. NO guest cantor or musicians at this time.
  1. There will be NO procession of the gifts during the Mass.
  1. Handshakes or any form of physical contact is discouraged.
  1. There will be NO Word of Remembrance (Eulogy) at this time, this is due to the health guidelines that are set by the CDC. If the family would like to do a word of remembrance, at the burial (cemetery) will be appropriate.

Note:  According to CDC, the virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person.

  • Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet).
  • Through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks.
  • These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs.
  • Some recent studies have suggested that COVID-19 may be spread by people who are not showing symptoms.

 Nuptial Wedding

At this time, only the Rite of Celebration of Wedding Outside of Mass.  There will be NO Nuptial Mass, but ceremony only.

  1. There will be a limitation of 50 people inside the church following the social distancing. Face covering or Mask is required and will be asked to sanitize their hands (before they enter and exit the church). Please look for the signs.
  1. Music will be limited to opening, communion meditation and recessional. NO guest cantor or musician at this time.
  1. There will be NO procession for grandparents or children. The procession will only include Bridal party and the parents.
  1. Best Man and Maid/Matron of Honor will be seated on their respective place on the altar following social distancing.
  1. Readings and the Gospel will be read by the priest or deacon only.


The celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism will follow the guidelines set above.

  1. There will be a limitation of 50 people inside the church following the social distancing. Face covering or Mask are required and will be asked to sanitize their hands (before they enter and exit the church).
  1. Only the father and the mother of the child will approach the baptismal font. We ask that Godfather and Godmother to stand in a distance for social distancing.
  1. Family members who would like to take pictures will be asked to follow social distancing.

First Communion

First Holy Communion Mass will be celebrated in Church social distancing will be in place with immediate families only and we will be following all guidelines from the diocese.  For more information, please contact Cathy Romano, DRE.


  1. Dates for the Sacrament of Confirmation will be assigned to the Parish by the Office of the Bishop. Spring Confirmations that were canceled will take place in the Fall.
  1. To minimize exposure only the Rite of Confirmation will be celebrated. There will not be a celebration of the Mass, nor will there be distribution of Holy Communion.  This will not only shorten our time in the church but allow for us to sanitize properly for ceremonies to follow.
  1. There is a limit to attendees. Confirmation candidates, their sponsors and the parents of the candidates only will be invited to attend.  No siblings or grandparents are permitted at this time.
  1. We will adhere to all restrictions in the place by the Diocese and the State of Connecticut.

In the event of positive COVID-19 case 

  1.  In the event that the parish is notified that someone who attended Mass has been diagnosed as COVID-19 positive, the following procedure should be followed.
  2. To the extent possible, the people who attended that particular Mass should be notified that someone at their Mass has tested positive for COVID-19. It is critical to maintain confidentiality as required by the American with Disabilities ACT or other applicable laws in accordance with religious practices. The name of the person who is COVID-19 positive must not be disclosed. The diocese will provide a template for this communication.
  3. The pastor must contact the Vicar General to discuss the case and determine the most prudent course of action. Per state guidelines, testing and contact tracing protocols will be followed by any clergy, staff, or volunteers who have had prolonged exposure to the person who tested positive.

4. If a member of the clergy, staff, or volunteers test positive, they must notify the pastor and follow                    state testing and contract tracing protocols. If the pastor tests positive, then he must notify the                      Vicar General.

            5. Notify the person who has tested positive for COVID-19 that they are not to return to church until                 they have met CDC’s criteria to discontinue home isolation which can be found by clicking at the                     following link:


Disclaimer:  The Church of the Assumption is pleased to be able to offer public worship again.  The parish is taking precautions per the CDC and Governor Lamont’s recommendations regarding public gatherings, as well as our own precautions we feel are prudent under the circumstances.  We look forward to welcoming you and your family back to Mass, but please understand there are risks involved in attending a public worship in a pandemic despite all of the precautions taken by the parish and the diocese.

We ask your cooperation with all of the directives that have been put in place for your safety and the safety of our clergy and your fellow worshipers.

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